Day 2 : 11 Days of Action for the International day of the Girl 2019!

A Girl should be who she wants to be, where she wants to be, and have what she wants for herself.

Only Education can make this possible!

Child marriage (where a girl is turned into a child bride) is one of the cruel choices made for girls in this part of the world, especially in Northern Nigeria. They are forced to become sex slaves, against their will.

Many of them have to quit school just so they can get married to men old enough to be their great grandfathers. These girls once had dreams, but these dreams get murdered once they become child brides.

In some parts of the Africa, girls are still being cut and mutilated around their genitals. Education can as well put an end to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) . When girls are educated, they would grow up to be women who would stand against evil cultural practices like FGM. There would be fewer women who would be practicing FGM when girls and women are educated. These women who carry out these acts do not understand the implication, that is why they practice it.

With the right education as well as a Holistic education, many of the evils done to girls and women would gradually come to an end.


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